Pour Over Coffee While Camping

Pour Over Coffee While Camping

Pour over coffee is a very simple and easy way to brew great coffee while camping. The process involves heating water, placing coffee grounds into a filter, allowing time for the water to drip through and then serving your freshly brewed cup of joe.

The method requires minimal equipment, just a kettle or pot for heating water, ground coffee beans (and something to measure with), a pour over cone to hold the grounds in place while they are brewing and some kind of timer or thermometer so you can keep track of how long your coffee has been brewing. If you want to get fancy then I would recommend buying yourself an electric kettle or even better yet; use an alcohol stove (this will be discussed later).

Before we start brewing let's talk about what tools are needed:

-A kettle or pot for heating the water (an electric kettle is preferable).

-Ground coffee beans.

-A pour over cone to hold your ground coffee in place while it brews.

-A thermometer or timer to keep track of how long your coffee has been brewing.

-A way to measure the amount of water you are pouring over your grounds and into your cup (I use a measuring spoon).

If you have an electric kettle then it is time to get started. Fill your kettle with water and place it on a stove or hot plate.

If you are using an electric kettle then set it to heat for about 2 minutes before pouring your water through the cone. If not then just wait until your water starts boiling and then pour it into your cup or pot.

-Measure out the amount of ground coffee beans that you want to use. I usually use 1 tablespoon per cup of water but some people prefer more or less depending on how strong they like their coffee.

-Place your ground coffee into your pour over cone and make sure it is level before continuing (you can even use a small ruler for this). -Heat up your water until it starts boiling and then pour it over your grounds.

-Using a timer, pour water over your grounds for about 1 minute.

-Make sure you don’t let your grounds overflow from the cone.

-Once your timer goes off, stop pouring and wait for 30 seconds before removing the filter from your cup.

-Pour yourself some coffee and enjoy!

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