Servo controlled heatWhat sets us apart?

At Five Star Coffee, we take pride in offering coffee beans that differ significantly from those commonly found in major grocery stores. Unlike the cheap and bitter-tasting coffees often found on the shelves, we exclusively work with top-rated green coffee beans sourced from reputable importers and coffee bean farmers.

Achieving perfection through Servo controlled heat

Our roasting process is a testament to our commitment to providing the freshest coffee imaginable. We roast in small batches, ensuring each bean is treated to the perfect proprietary roasting profile before being promptly shipped to your doorstep.

Leveraging our expertise in engineering electronics technology, we've designed a cutting-edge computer-controlled servo system to regulate the heat during the roasting process. This servo system follows a unique roasting profile tailored to each type of bean. Thanks to this precision and our carefully crafted profiles, you can expect a consistently delightful cup of coffee with every order you receive.

Embracing the Fluid Bed roaster

At Five Star Coffee, we continuously strive to elevate your coffee experience with our dedication to quality, precision, and the pursuit of excellence.

In addition to our exceptional roasting technique, we employ a fluid bed roaster, departing from the more traditional drum roaster. The Fluid Bed roaster utilizes hot air to create a gentle bean loft, resulting in an even roast and a cleaner, more refined taste. If you're interested in learning more about the differences between Fluid Bed Roasters and Drum Roasters, you can find in-depth information below.

A more in-depth look about Fluid Bed Roasters vs Drum Roasters can be found on our blog.   


Fluid Bed Air Roaster

 Advantages of Air Roasting:

  1. Even Roasting: Air roasting allows for more even roasting of the coffee beans compared to drum roasting. This is because the hot air surrounds the beans from all directions, ensuring that each bean is roasted evenly. On the other hand, in drum roasting, the beans are constantly tumbling, and it's harder to achieve an even roast.

  2. Clean Taste: Air roasting can result in a cleaner taste profile compared to drum roasting. This is because the beans are not in contact with burned bean chaff which can be found on the surface of a drum, leaving a burnt taste in the coffee. In air-roasting, the hot air blows the bean chaff out of the roasting chamber.

  3. Better Control: Air roasting allows for better control over the roasting process. The roasting temperature can be adjusted more easily and quickly, and the roast can be stopped abruptly when desired, resulting in more consistent and precise roasts. In contrast, drum roasting may take longer to adjust the temperature and stop the roast, leading to less control and potentially less consistent roasts.

  4. Environmentally Friendlier:  Air roasting uses less energy compared to drum roasting since it does not require a heavy metal drum to be heated up.