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Costa Rica - Tarrazu, Medium Roast

Costa Rica - Tarrazu, Medium Roast

Regular price $14.49 USD
Regular price $14.95 USD Sale price $14.49 USD
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Medium Roast

Cupping Notes: Well rounded body with bright acidity intense fragrant aroma. Flavors of Citrus, Mocha, and Tropical Fruit.

Costa Rica - Tarrazu Costa Rica Tarrazu coffee is a gem for coffee enthusiasts, celebrated for its exceptional quality and distinctive flavor. Grown in the elevated Tarrazu region, these Arabica beans thrive at altitudes between 1200 to 1900 meters, developing a bright acidity with captivating notes of citrus, floral tones, and a subtle chocolate undertone. The meticulous wet processing methods add a layer of cleanliness to the beans, while the cooler temperatures at higher altitudes slow down cherry maturation, allowing for a more nuanced and complex flavor profile. Renowned for its strict adherence to quality standards, Costa Rica Tarrazu coffee is often presented as a single-origin delight, providing a traceable and outstanding coffee experience for the discerning palate.

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